Dancers Mainewoods (home)


The Mainewoods
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Membership / Tax-
Deductible Donation

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Travel Info

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Membership / Donation Form

Mainewoods is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
All contributions are fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Mainewoods Membership:

We look forward to having our campers and supporters become members of Mainewoods Dance Camp. In addition to regular donations, by becoming a Mainewoods Member you are not only supporting the organization financially, but each member has a chance - two chances for family memberships - to win the value of a half-price week of camp at the double occupancy rate, and when at camp, a chance for the weekly drawing for a free t-shirt or comparable item from our store. The annual fee is only $25 per single or $45 per family, and our membership year runs from January 1 to December 31. The drawing for the free half-price week of camp takes place in the fall.

Click here for an online Membership/Donation Form.

Or print a paper Membership/Donation Form here.

Membership for the current year will be granted to anyone making a single donation of $250 or more.
(If the donor is already a member, the donation membership will not be carried over to the next year unless it is a donation of $250 or greater and is made in the fourth quarter of the year.)

Memberships and donations help sustain Mainewoods now and in the future. Thank you for your support!