Dancers Mainewoods (home)


The Mainewoods
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Cabins & Other Info


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What to Bring / Accommodations

What to Bring
Campers must bring their own towels, sheets, pillows, and warm blankets. We can provide these (for a small fee) only for campers arriving by public transportation.
PLEASE NOTE: nighttime temperatures can be as low as 40 degrees, and cabins are not heated!

Other suggested items are: folk dance clothes/costumes for the evening dance parties (not required), dance shoes, flashlight, alarm clock, rain gear, extra checks or cash (in case you want to purchase materials from our Featured Guests), glass/mug for cabin, musical instruments, and comfortable clothes for lounging. Plan for both hot and cold weather, think layers.

Save time at registration! Print and fill out your Health Care Form now and bring it to camp.

Any item, service, or talent you may have to contribute to the auction will be graciously accepted. Donations of craft items, decorations, clothing (folk-related only), jewelry, embroidery, colorful scarves, or other accessories in new or good condition are always greatly appreciated. Please, no rummage items.

All donated items are for Mainewoods Dance Camp to use as we see fit.

Mainewoods Dance Camp is held at Camp Indian Acres, a boys' summer camp which is situated on the Saco River in Fryeburg, Maine. The rustic cabins scattered throughout the property have two to four single beds and a private bathroom with shower. The camp has a spacious and welcoming main lodge with wooden dance floor, stone fireplace and lots of windows. The sunsets in Maine are truly breathtaking and unforgettable. Surrounding Camp Indian Acres are small villages exuding typical New England charm.

The limited laundry facilities may only be used by campers staying for both sessions. Laundry may be done on the weekend between sessions once the camp's laundry is done.

Our kitchen staff will once again provide us with delicious, wholesome food – three meals a day plus snacks. Vegetarian tastes are happily accommodated. A small refrigerator and shelves are provided for those who must bring food to meet special dietary needs.