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The Mainewoods Experience

Take a virtual tour through a week at Mainewoods Dance Camp

Camp Grounds
Mainewoods Dance Camp, located at Camp Indian Acres, welcomes you with tall pines along the Saco River. Cabins nestled among the trees will be your home for a week of incredible dancing and ethnic fun!

Main Building
The Main Building is where it all happens. It offers dining, dancing on a spacious hardwood floor, an Internet Hall, and a lounge for relaxing. Our office is also here so you can check in upon your arrival.

Saco River
The Saco River runs right along the camp grounds, a wonderful place to swim and cool off, or just sit along the bank and relax. The camp grounds also feature a swimming pool, volleyball, basketball, and tennis courts.

Day Schedule
Each morning you will see a posted schedule of the day's events. The schedule will tell you the day's ethnic theme and list any special events or classes.

Take a look at a typical full-week schedule.

Dance Class
Each of our three invited Featured Guests holds a daily morning class. Also, watch for possible afternoon advanced lessons.

Music Class
Every afternoon there is a music class. Campers who enjoy singing or playing an instrument can join in. Each evening the professional camp musicians play a live music set.

Bulgaria Day
Each day features a different ethnic theme. Join one or more of the ethnic committees and immerse yourself in the experience with music, singing, dance performances, and cultural celebrations.

Want to help with decorating for a theme day: either yourself, the table or the room?  Join a committee and make use of the resources available (costume accessories, decorations, and art supplies). Our resource people will help you.

Meals are signaled by the blowing of the conch shell. It's not quite as easy as it looks; give it a try.

Our kitchen staff does an incredible job of creating one delicious meal after another. Like to help out? The staff would love it, and you will learn the secrets of our wonderful ethnic cuisine.

Afternoons include many options. Committee activities. Join a musician "jam" session. Attend one or two additional dance sessions. Volunteer in the kitchen and get a sneak peek at the evening's dinner. Take a swim -- or maybe just nap.

Binge Survivors! On Binge Night the evening dance party keeps going until the last request has been played, usually into the wee hours of the morning.

Weather permitting, one day we have an outdoor picnic lunch: a large spread with all the usual picnic foods such as hotdogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, potato salad, and corn, and lobster lovers may purchase a delectable Maine lobster.

Band and Party
Every evening we have a dance party featuring a request list, live and recorded music, and always a great time!

Mainewoods has an auction during the week as a fundraiser for the camp. You never know what sort of treasures you will find there, so be sure to take a look.